NSQ Online Teaching for WI School Districts

Click on any Standard below. The self-reflection is aligned to the National Standards for Quality Online Teaching. Then, you will see higher-quality professional learning resources personalized to your strengths and areas of need.

A: Professional Responsibilities
Click to Start
B: Digital Pedagogy
Click to Start
C: Community Building
Click to Start
D: Learner Engagement
Click to Start
E: Digital Citizenship
Click to Start
F: Diverse Instruction
Click to Start
G: Assessment and Measurement
Click to Start
H: Instructional Design
Click to Start

Knowledge Base for Teachers

There are 8 standards and 51 indicators in this framework, and over 120 professional learning resources vetted by NSQ and aligned to the NSQ Online Teaching standards. These standards provide a framework for schools, districts, state agencies, statewide online programs and other interested educational organizations to improve online teaching and learning. The instructional philosophies, approaches and models for online teaching are practically endless. The standards are intended to provide guidance while providing maximum flexibility for the users. 

The development of the National Standards for Quality Online Teaching and the vetting of supporting learning resources is led by Quality Matters (QM) and the Virtual Learning Leadership Alliance (VLLA). This portal is powered by 2gnoMe./p>